Going Local - Why Artists Should

Today Dan posted my article on "Marketing Your Art Locally" on Empty Easel, please check it out and let me know what you think!

If you are visiting here via my article on Empty Easel - welcome! Below I have compiled a brief tour for you to make your visit here more comfortable (can I offer you coffee? peanuts? a nifty packet with pillow, toothbrush and weirdly fitting socks?)

photo by Micah Sittig

If you are interested in more of my writings on art as a business, you can start with the articles under the Greatest Hits heading to the right, and the Musing and How-To-Ing posts by topic (also on the right) include more of my grimy pearls of wisdom. Actually I think it's more sand than pearl yet but that's where dialoguing with other artists comes in - smooths out those rough corners! I always welcome your comments.

To see my art, visit my web site galleries:
floral paintings
landscape paintings

My most recent posts are on pricing artwork, scroll down to see if you are an art pricing criminal offender!

Tomorrow I will be posting (parenthood permitting) on another art business topic - the much-procrastinated-upon newsletter. Come back and check it out or subscribe (yeah, everything's on the right, including some easy-peasy subscription buttons).

ArtAngela FehrComment