Painting Weeds in Watercolour


It's amazing what happens here in the spring. Winter is so long, and when the snow finally melts away, everything looks so...dead. How wondrous to see green appear, and then suddenly, it's July and you can't see the ground for the thicket of growth. One plant that has an astonishing rate of growth is cow parsnip. I had always hoped there was a more romantic name for this tall and dramatic weed. It shoots up in June, flowers of bridal white, and then by mid-July the seed heads have formed and the white blossoms are gone.

cow parsnip

I love the abandon of these showy weeds, thrusting themselves forth above the wild roses. They may not be beautifully named, but they are still a favourite that I watch for every spring. Cow Parsnips in watercolour | Angela Fehr

Painting wildflowers and weeds should be done with wild expression, too, don't you think?

"Cow Parsnips" measures 10.5" x 14.5" and is available for purchase.