2019 Year in Review: 50 Watercolor Paintings

Wishing you all a very happy new year! As we step into 2020, I'm excited about what the year has in store. Every painting grows my skills, so every new day is a day that I get to become a better artist than I was the year before. I hope you share this trust and perspective; it's true for you, too!

I spent some time today putting together a video look back at the year's paintings. This is really just a sampler because I really failed this year to do a good job of documenting works created in my studio or in classes, so it took a little struggle to track down a good sampling of the paintings I've worked on this year. Some you may recognize from lessons, demonstrations and past posts: 

I encourage you to spend some time looking over your year's achievements in watercolor. You will be pleasantly surprised and encouraged as you see how far you've come and how your work has been transformed over the past months. All movement is growth in painting, especially if you keep an open mind to receive whatever your creativity has to offer, without judging. It will pay off in the process of developing the artist you are meant to be!

ArtAngela Fehr1 Comment