Playful Painting is How I Learn! World Watercolor Month Week 1

In the body of work that I have created over the years, the paintings that stand the passage of time are the ones that felt like a risk to show to others. The art that, for whatever reason, I shared in fear and trembling, not knowing that if what I saw in that painting was something that others would recognize or reject. I have never regretted stepping out of hiding; what I have gained has been far greater than anything I might have lost.

I find my identity in play!

The true me that is hiding under my layers is one that isn't far different than the girl I was in childhood. That's why I find my creative fearlessness best in an environment of play. I'm sharing more about the role of play in my creative practice, and a video lesson prompted by that theme in this week's World Watercolor Month blog post and video. Check it out here.

More resources for World Watercolor Month below:

In addition to all of this great World Watercolor Month hoopla, the Heart-Led Landscape interactive course series is BACK! Last year this watercolor course saw the highest single event enrollment of any of my online courses.

This course, designed to help you break free from the tyranny of the reference photo (you know what I mean - copying that darn bossy photo instead of painting like the free artist you were meant to be) shares the insights and processes that transformed my paintings and helped me grow confident in my own unique watercolor style, and I love seeing it have the same impact for other artists who are just READY to see change happen.

Students who enroll in Heart-Led Landscapes by July 14th will receive a month of bonus content and access to the Fearless Artist Community, a place to learn in community with other artists. It's the virtual classroom we all need right now! Find out more and enroll here:

If you've enrolled in Heart-Led Landscapes in the past, and want to join the interactive series again, you can! Members of my Fearless Artist Community get access to all of the live sessions (plus 20+ online courses). Jump into the community today by signing up here: